Tag Archives: foreign

Can roads be privatized?

Howdy! Someone on TexAgs introduced me to a book on the possible privatization of roads. I haven’t gotten to reading it yet, but here is the link to the PDF courtesy of the Mises Institute.

Hope you enjoy it!

Oh yes, I also recommend reading a book by the name of The Aid Trap. I checked it out from Evans Library at Texas A&M University, and it is well worth the read so far. Essentially, the idea is that sending aid to foreign countries actually harms their local economies far more than the aid helps anyone. It’s a fascinating read.

Michael Berry says it best on why the GOP loses elections

The whole video is excellent, but if you want to get to the point, skip to the 5:15 mark.

Ron Paul accurately predicts events that have already happened by today… back in 2002

In a stunning display of foresight, Ron Paul made accurate predictions of major U.S. and world events that have, in fact, occurred. His predictions were made in 2002, and the only prediction that has yet to come true is America’s leaving Afghanistan by now. His libertarian principles and foresight only provide further evidence that this country needs a leader like Paul.