Tag Archives: media

“His Turn”, the choice of Mitt Romney

While I still whole-heartedly believe that the media is not to be trusted, this GOP primary season has exemplified a disturbing trend that Americans need to wake up to. The media and the establishment GOP have gone to great lengths to keep down Paul, and to a lesser extent every other candidate aside from Mitt Romney.

Romney has gotten a pass from the beginning. There have been attempts (most successful) to destroy every other candidate deemed a threat. Every single candidate has had their character massively assaulted by the Establishment and by the media with the exception of Romney, whose incompetence and corruption are willfully ignored.Paul has gotten blatantly ignored (sometimes with the explicit statement that he’s being ignored on air). I recommend clicking on that link there and seeing Jon Stewart of the Daily show point out the travesty that is the mainstream media.

There is absolutely no excuse for the bias against him or any other candidate. This was Romney’s “turn”, and the voters fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I posit that if there were to be a debate between Romney and Paul, Paul would eviscerate Romney.

I have never heard any compelling reason to vote for a liberal statist masquerading as a conservative. Not once have I heard a politically educated opinion on why Paul is a bad candidate or even worse than Romney. I have heard vague statements (He’s just insane), and many of them make absolutely no sense. Even the most often used dismissal of his foreign policy is a weak point, as many have endorsed his stances. This includes civilians, military, and even figures such as the Prime Minister of Israel.

No matter what, I will not vote for Romney nor Obama. I will write Paul in if I must. I still hold out a tiny, tiny sliver of hope that Paul will somehow clinch the nomination, and I sincerely doubt the majority of the GOP sheep will vote Obama even if that happens. If the likely becomes true and Paul doesn’t get the nomination, then I very much hope that libertarianism continues to grow. If Romney or Obama do turn out to be the two opponents in the major parties, it demonstrates only that the nation’s people are a disappointment and should not get to have a say in what I do with my life.

Why I still (cautiously) wish there would be a Halo movie

If it is done, though, it cannot be about Master Chief. While he has some dialogue in the series, Chief is intended to be a substantially blank character so as to immerse the player in his experiences. I like to loosely compare this character technique to Half Life’s Gordon Freeman, who never talks at all.

Still, the video is impressive. I especially admire the CGI and emotional tone set by the audio.

On the current racial tension in America

As I had stayed in a very recent post, assumptions are dangerous. I’m seeing more and more ridiculousness come out of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman story, and it’s only infuriating me more as racial tensions needlessly fly out of control. Honestly, if I weren’t white, I’d be laughing at it.

Let me be clear that I don’t know nor care about what the verdict in this case will be. This whole scenario speaks less about Zimmerman and Martin and more about irrationality and emotions in American society. As this particular story has unfolded and then twisted back up to be more complicated than the Narrative can handle, this is an excellent opportunity for the nation to reflect upon itself. Let’s take a look at some of the major points of absurdity.

A picture’s worth a thousand words, even if they’re lies

The mainstream media jumped in quickly to provide pictures of the victim, Trayvon Martin, and the suspect, George Zimmerman. These pictures were not relevant to any goal of unbiased reporting and only served to give context clues of a guilty man and an innocent young child.

The picture of Martin above is a few years old, while Zimmerman’s is current and immediately incriminating. Now see the reverse done:

Is there a narrative being written here? You bet there is. It’s absurd.

Al Sharpton threatens civil disobedience

It’d be a surprise if the king of those who exploit racial differences for personal gain didn’t chime in. Al Sharpton, in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel, called for civil disobedience in response to the matter. This man is an evil, evil man just fighting to gain more time in the limelight and not actually looking for any solutions and reasonable solidarity among Americans. He should be ashamed, but I don’t think Sharpton can feel shame.

Obama Chimes In

In the early uproar of this case, President Obama made a remark saying, “if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” This is absurd. President Obama is in no way involved in this case and should have kept his race-baiting mouth shut. He’s only contributing to this madness.

Black Panthers place $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman’s head

In what is certainly a severe escalation in the needless racial tensions in this circus, the New Black Panthers held a rally during which they placed a bounty on Zimmerman’s head.  During said rally, they allegedly yelled chants like “Black Power!” If the Ku Klux Klan did this, there’d be national uproar about it, and rightfully so. This rally has been largely swept under the rug by the mainstream media.

More lives affected thanks to wrongful tweet

As if there isn’t a lesson to be learned about the risks of vigilantism and assumptions, an elderly couple had to abandon their home after a California man began the wrongful targeting of an elderly couple at their home by posting the wrong address to Zimmerman’s home on Twitter.

Is Zimmerman a white or a “white-hispanic”?

In what was perhaps an attempt to save face in a moment of incorrectness, Huffington Post labeled Zimmerman as a “white-hispanic”. What this means is simple: the narrative is getting destroyed, but Reuters and New York Times are slapping duct tape on it. Clearly, this situation is not ‘black and white’, pun intended.

Teenage punks loot a Walgreens… ‘for Trayvon’

NBC and CNN apologize for editing 9-1-1 call tapes

As written in my previous blog post on this subject, NBC recently apologized for editing the 9-1-1 call tapes which conveniently led to racist implications of Zimmerman’s pursuit of Martin. Now, however, CNN has been caught in the act of distorting reality to fit their narrative. I’m disturbed, and quite frankly outraged that the mainstream media is being so sloppy in this kind of serious issue. I for one believe it’s intentional as they want more to cover.

Some people go even farther to posit that this provides a convenient excuse to pump a liberal, Democratic agenda in the way of the Republican primaries. If this is part of such a strategy, it’s certainly being exposed as media bias and carelessness. In fact, he’s not even a Republican in the Southeast; he’s a registered Democrat in the Southeast. Even still, there is the possibility that this story is being constantly pushed in front of the eyes of America so that something else may happen in the background, making this a good time to watch your Congress members closely. I’m no fan of the Republican Party, but a leftist-controlled media is certainly going to favor Democrats and use strategy to help them if the media is smart.

White Supremacists patrol Sanford to “promote white solidarity”

In an ironic twist, a white supremacist group has begun patrolling Sanford to promote “white solidarity” in the community that has seemingly been overrun with vigilante mentality. Why they are doing this is beyond me, especially since Zimmerman does not quite fit the type of people Neo-Nazis would be supporting in the first place.

Hate Crimes against whites ignored by national media

Included in this section are some recent hate crimes with white victims that have been largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Additionally, a white male was recently beaten, stripped, sexually molested, and robbed by a mob of black people in Baltimore for being in the wrong neighborhood. Part 2 to the attack is here. How is this any way to be civilized? How is this given a pass by the media? How is this given a pass by President Obama and Al Sharpton? Where is the disgust and outrage? I’ll tell you were it needs to be, at the media. They have been the most reckless, hate-mongering factor in this entire debacle. Innocent people’s lives have been changed forever because of this ridiculous media circus.

As I had said before in my previous post on this issue, people need to ignore the media and let a complicated case that does not involve many people be sorted out. Otherwise, there remains to be more hatred and more violence for something as stupid and arbitrary as the color of a person’s skin. I urge you to respond to any story from the mainstream media with the following excerpt from my previous post.

“It is unacceptable for people to be calling for a race war. It is unacceptable for people to be screaming that this was a vicious hate crime. It is unacceptable for NBC News and other outlets to edit footage in order to further a narrative. It is unacceptable for the President of the United States of America to dare open his mouth about a case he knows nothing about. It is unacceptable to say Zimmerman is innocent or guilty. It is unacceptable to say Martin was innocent/guilty. Lastly, it is totally and shamefully unacceptable to exploit racial differences for ANY REASON.”

The saddest part in all this is that the ugliest parts of people are coming out due to assumptions they make with little evidence. This is why a justice system exists and the Court of Public Opinion is not the ultimate force of justice. When people act on their emotions without having the actual details in front of them, something bad is bound to happen. When people see only what sets them apart from one another, they lose their ability to do great things together. With reason and American solidarity instead of racial solidarity, differences between people can be overcome so we can all live our lives in liberty. Never forget that.

Slacktivists are annoying

Lately, some sick photos have been showing up in my Facebook news feed. At first, there was a picture of an anorexic teen dressed up for some beauty contest with some caption roughly along the lines of “this is what you make us do to feel pretty”. More recently, there’s a picture of a dead/dying, emaciated African baby with an IV hooked up to him with the caption “like/share if this makes you sad :(” going around. Now, I know that this stuff only comes around because of compassion, so I won’t be too hard on slacktivists.

On second thought, maybe I will be hard on them. Stop reposting stuff like that. Stop doing it. It’s not compassionate because you’re not doing anything. You’re just making people having to look at something really, really unpleasant with the intent to guilt trip them if they just plain don’t want to look at it and/or repost it. You’re not even being useful by doing this. You are not giving even one shred of help to anyone, and should quite honestly feel ashamed. If you want to help, go volunteer or do something with your life that somehow personally affects the lives of people like those in the pictures. Otherwise, you’re really just visibly bragging that you at least got an inch away from reaching your Honey Badger Limit on the “How much of a fuck I give” scale.